4C Joins a Sustainability Dialogue with Welthungerhilfe and Tchibo
How Does the Coffee Supply Chain Become Good for People and the Environment?
Discussion on the introduction of the Supply Chain Act* was sparked at both the German and European level. How could this law be possibly implemented? This is the main question that triggered the critical online dialogue on 15 September 2020, organized by Welthungerhilfe. Concrete approaches from the coffee sector will be presented in four keynotes on the topics of protection of the human right to food, certification, use of remote sensing for the documentation of coffee sites, and empowerment.
The keynote speakers are Nanda Bergstein, Director Corporate Responsibility, Tchibo; Dr. Rafaël Schneider, Coordinator of the FSS Project, and Deputy Director Policy Department at Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e. V.; Dr. Jan Henke, Managing Director of GRAS System and Dr. Norbert Schmitz, Managing Director of 4C Services GmbH.
To see the detailed agenda and register, please click the link below. The event will be conducted in German. Registration is open until 13 September 2020. Register here.
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