Field survey on social issues in the Philippines
Nestlé partnered with 4C to conduct a study to assess and address social issues in the Philippines.
Project background
To help coffee farmers implement the principles of the 4C Code of Conduct, Nestlé Philippines provides them with technical assistance related to good agricultural and management practices. Yet farmers were found to be facing some challenges with regards to the social requirements, including minimum wage for workers, health and safety at work, and education of workers’ children. Nestlé Philippines requested 4C’s guidance on the implementation of feasible and efficient measures to address these issues and enable progress within the framework of continuous improvement.
Project measures
Nestlé partnered with 4C to conduct a study with a focus on social issues in the Philippines. 4C assessed the local situation and identified critical topics. In the next step, it developed and recommended realistic measures to address the corresponding issues together with Nestlé’s staff. The methodological approach included:
- a desk-study: a review of the on-site audit reports in the 4C database and analysis of the local and national laws,
- and a field trip, where multiple interviews with coffee producers, traders and their workers, local government, and NGO representatives were carried out.
The main issues of concern identified by 4C were related to the minimum wage legislation and a generally low level of school enrollment for children at secondary and high school age. With 4C’s recommendations in mind, Nestlé is now addressing the situation and developing potential solutions.