About · Quality and Integrity Management

Providing independent, credible and innovative solutions for sustainable supply chains

Quality and Integrity Management

Oversight Mechanism

4C Services reviews the 4C Certification System on a periodic basis as part of the 4C Certification System Oversight mechanism. Within this task, 4C Services reviews the performance with regards to the 4C Certification System as well as the compliance of 4C Certification Bodies (witness and office audits) and 4C Units (unannounced audits) with the 4C Certification system rules and regulations. The main purpose of this System Oversight is to ensure overall quality and credibility of the 4C Certification System by evaluating and monitoring compliance with the Accreditation and Assurance Guidelines of the Global Coffee Platform (document in preparation) of all actors in the 4C Certification System (4C Units, 4C Certification Bodies and 4C Services).

4C Auditor Training Program

Trainings on the 4C Code of Conduct and 4C Certification requirements are compulsory for auditors. There are two options for the trainings:

  • Option I: Provided by 4C Services GmbH (external training).
  • Option II: Provided by an experienced and approved 4C auditor (internal training, this option is only applied to a CB which is already recognized by 4C). The training material must be approved by 4C Services GmbH.

4C Auditor Calibration / Refresher Workshops

Auditor calibration/refresher workshops are organised and hosted by 4C Services. The workshops are held in different regions or online (webinars) offering an opportunity for auditors to share their 4C Audit experience and calibrate their knowledge and understanding of the 4C Concepts and System. During these workshops, 4C provides updates on recent developments, including feedback received from 4C Units and 4C Certification Bodies.

Complaint and Appeal Mechanism

The purpose of the procedure for complaints and appeals is to outline a clear, transparent and consistent process for cases when there is any complaint and appeal to be filed and handled in the context of certification activities.

The procedure applies to complaints and appeals that are related to certification activities received mainly from 4C Units and 4C Certification Bodies but also from other parties, such as customers of 4C Services in the context of 4C certification activities.

Click here for further information about the procedure for complaints and appeals.


By participating in the 4C Certification system, the Managing Entity, on behalf of its Business Partners, MUST grant 4C access to a minimum set of predefined producer data, which is relevant for certification. The Managing Entity is accountable to its Business Partners, and to 4C Services on the rights and quality of the information provided.

Further Information – Downloads and Links: