Recap: 4C Regional Stakeholder Conference in Latin America
Last week 4C held its first 4C Regional Stakeholder Conference in Latin America, in the city of Antigua, Guatemala, with around 40 participants who actively joined the discussions on some of the most pressing issues of sustainability.
It was an enriching opportunity to exchange insights on topics all the way from national support strategies related to growing sustainable coffee, over climate change and adaptations strategies, 4C solutions for sustainable and deforestation free coffee supply chains, impact of 4C certification to sustainability strategies and market requirements of leading brand owners and traders. Regional organizations such as Asociación Nacional del Café (Anacafé) and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) were present at the event, as well as global names such as Conservation International, Control Union and major representatives of the coffee industry, such as Nestlé, Peter Schoenfeld, Cocatrel and FNC.
Participants stated their interest in continuing this regional exchange, wherefore 4C will continue to conduct 4C Regional Stakeholder Conferences in Latin America.
Thank you, speakers and participants, for making the conference such a great event!
Click here for photos and all presentations.