About · 4C Approach & Impact Report

Providing independent, credible and innovative solutions for sustainable supply chains

The 4C Approach and Impact Report


The 4C Approach & Impact Report demonstrates how 4C developed over the years and what impact has been achieved, especially since the transition of the 4C system from verification to certification in 2018.

This transformation included improvements in areas such as risk assessment supported by modern technologies, traceability, digitalization, capacity building and regular integrity audits of the 4C System. Today, 4C is a globally leading certification system with a comprehensive standard, covering environmental, social and economic sustainability dimensions.

For the Approach & Impact Report 4C worked on finding science-based solutions for the complex topic of comprehensive impact assessment. 4C, as a certification system, creates impact in many ways within the coffee sector; through fostering good agricultural practices, preventing deforestation, promoting climate friendly coffee cultivation and improving livelihoods of stallholder farmers.

The first impact report for 4C was published in 2022 as part of our monitoring and continuous improvement process. We aim to maintain the tradition of publishing impact reports on a regular basis as a tool to test and evaluate the effectiveness of our certification system.

Download the 4C Impact and Approach Report 2022 now and find out more!