Trainings & Events · 4C Regional Stakeholder Conference, Bogota, Colombia 2023

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4C Regional Stakeholder Conference, Bogota, Colombia 2023

Date: 31 August 2023, 9:00 – 18:30
Venue: Marriott Hotel, Av. El Dorado 69b-53, Bogotá, Colombia

Continuing with our regional events in Latin America, our second 4C Regional Stakeholder Conference of the year took place in Bogota, Colombia. This event focused on the “New requirements for coffee exports and the latest advances in sustainability certification” in the Colombian and global context. The multifaceted agenda included renowned speakers from renowned organizations such as the International Coffee Organization, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the EU Delegation in Colombia and the National Federation of Coffee Growers of Colombia, among others. Topics of growing interest were discussed, such as the prospects for EU regulations on deforestation-free products and human rights due diligence, environmental protection, smallholder livelihoods and certification solutions.

Participation in this event was free of charge, but required advance registration due to limited seating. Presentations were given in Spanish and English and simultaneous translation was provided. All participants were able to benefit from this unique opportunity to learn about the latest developments and trends in current and increasingly relevant topics and to network and exchange with Colombian and international experts in the coffee sector and sustainability.

Download the Agenda_EN

Baje la Agenda_ES

Below is an overview of the agenda points and the presentations available for download:

Upcoming International Market Requirements and Sustainability Strategies in Colombia:

Perspectives and Requirements of International Markets and Brand Owners (Panel Discussion after short presentations):

Fulfilling Regulatory Requirements of the EU DR:

The Way Forward with Innovative Solutions:

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