4C Regional Stakeholder Conference, Campinas, Brazil 2023
Date: 13 June 2023, 9:00 – 18:30
Venue: Royal Palm Hotel, Campinas, Brazil
Our regional stakeholder events continue in 2023 with the first session of the year taking place on 13 June 2023 in Campinas, Brazil. This important event focused on the latest developments in sustainability certification and requirements for coffee exports. All presentations were simultaneously translated into English and Portuguese and included topics of growing interest such as: an overview of the no deforestation and due diligence requirements in the European Union, the new German supply chain law, voluntary sustainability requirements for brand owners, implications for the coffee sector, as well as sustainable strategies and developments in the Brazilian coffee sector. It was attended by representatives of important stakeholders such as agricultural producers, traders, coffee companies, associations, NGOs and relevant government agencies.
It was an excellent opportunity to exchange views on the latest news and developments, have interesting discussions and establish contacts for potential partnerships.
Below is an overview of the agenda points and the presentations available for download:
- Dr Norbert Schmitz, Managing Director, 4C Services, Germany
1_Discurso de boas vindas - Manfred Brinkmann, Social Attaché, German Embassy, Brasilia, Brazil
2_Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz: Lei sobre deveres de diligência corporativa nas cadeias de abastecimento - Dr Norbert Schmitz, Managing Director, 4C Services, Germany
3_Acordo Verde (“Green Deal”) da UE e requisitos de devida diligência para o comércio internacional - Vanúsia Nogueira, International Coffee Organization, United Kingdom
4_O caminho trilhado pela OIC em direção a um setor cafeeiro global mais sustentável e justo
- Enio Bergoli, State Secretary of Agriculture, Government of the State of Espírito Santo, Brazil
5_Estratégias de sustentabilidadeno setor cafeeiro brasileiro
- Silas Brasileiro, Executive President – CNC Brazil
6_Desafios para os produtores brasileiros no novo marco regulatório
- Alexandre Monteiro, ESG Manager at Cooxupé, Brazil
7_Esforços de sustentabilidade do ponto de vista do produtor Brasileiro
- Annette Pensel, Executive Director, Global Coffee Platform, Germany
8_Global Coffee Platform’s Coffee Sustainability Reference Code & Recognition for credible sustainability schemes
- Dr Norbert Schmitz, Managing Director, 4C Services, Germany
9_Como atender às novas exigências de mercado com o 4C Services
- Rafaela Mazzutti, Sustainability Manager, 4C Services, Germany
10_Agregando valor para as partes interessadas do setor cafeeiro com as certificações adicionais 4C
- Pia Rothe, Senior Project Manager GIS and Sustainability, GRAS, Germany
11_Innovative solutions for the efficient implementation of legal due diligence requirements on human rights risks and deforestation
- Dr Jan Henke, Managing Director, Meo Carbon Solutions, Germany
12_Carbon Footprint for Coffee Supply Chains: How to Fulfil Voluntary and Regulatory Market Requirements
- Silvia Pizzol, Sustainability Manager, Cecafé, Brazil
13_Esforços realizados pela Cecafé para apoiar as exportações de café