About · Media Center

Providing independent, credible and innovative solutions for sustainable supply chains

Press & Media Resources

Here you can access various media resources such as photos, videos, and articles on the project “Improving working and living conditions for coffee smallholder in Colombia”. These resources showcase the impact of the project and the stories of the small coffee farmers who have benefited from it.

These materials are free to be used in relation to reporting on the project with reference to 4C.


Download high-resolution images from the different project activities below:

Participants of Quality & Coffee Tasting course in September 2022


You-Tube Link: https://youtu.be/kp1AL_9y8js

You-Tube Link: https://youtu.be/kp1AL_9y8js

You-Tube Link: https://youtu.be/kp1AL_9y8js